Change together, lead with impact.

Next Start Sep 2025
Duration 12-15 months
Language English
Format Full-Time
Avg. working
6 years
Where Milano

At SDA Bocconi, we believe in the power of transformation and impact. Our Full-Time MBA program, guided by the motto "Change Together, Lead with Impact" empowers you to unlock your potential for greatness. Embrace change fearlessly, harnessing it as a catalyst for innovation and personal growth.


With a focus on collaboration and diversity, in an intimate and welcoming environment, you'll thrive in a close-knit setting where your unique perspective converges with others, forging lifelong connections and strong networks. You will nurture exceptional leadership skills and inspire others to excel, leaving a lasting impact on your organization and the community. Together, we will drive positive change that goes beyond the bottom line, creating a more sustainable and prosperous future for all. 


Our Full-time MBA is recognized as a game changer in the careers of its graduates.
The program's high level of scientific prominence, innovative teaching methods, and impact in academic research has recently led to an unprecedented achievement:

#3 globally
and #2 in Europe

Student Clubs

Industry, affinity group, and interest-based clubs help you customize your community experience.

discover more

Who is it for?

  • For approximately 150 students from +30 countries and diverse backgrounds, willing to invest in high-return management education, our intensive program spans from 12 to 15 months, effectively equipping them to tackle the challenges of the market.
  • Our program is designed for professionals ready to make the famed ‘triple jump’ in their career - a change in industry sector, function, or country - or for those who want to take one step further towards a full-fledged career in general management.
  • It is a transformational learning experience for highly motivated goal-achievers, empowering them to become drivers of organizational change.




Sanchita Pasi: My MBA Journey at SDA Bocconi

Alessio Saviano: My MBA Journey at SDA Bocconi




Why choose us?

1. Comprehensive Business Education
  • Covers traditional business disciplines: finance, marketing, strategy, and operations
  • Includes four additional concentrations: Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Private Investment, Customer Experience Management, and Luxury Business Management
  • Multidisciplinary approach for a diverse skill set and interconnected business understanding
2. Networking Opportunities
  • Provides ample networking opportunities
  • Connects students with candidates, alumni, faculty, and industry experts
  • Aids in future career growth, business partnerships, and job access
  • Boasts a strong alumni network of over 130,000 professionals worldwide
3. Career Development Center
  • Dedicated Career Development Center for extensive career support
  • Key partner for MBA candidates seeking career growth
  • Invites recruiting companies to campus to enrich international talent pipeline
4. Career Advancement
  • Boosts career prospects significantly
  • Equips participants with knowledge and skills for leadership roles
  • Aimed at excelling in management positions
5. Prestige And Reputation
  • Consistently ranked among top Business Schools globally
  • Recognized by prominent rankings like Financial Times



Global MBA Rankings 2024


European B-Schools
Ranking 2023, Bloomberg


for Salary Increase (+135%) *
Global MBA Rankings 2024

*Salary increase 3 years after graduation


found a new job
3 months after Graduation

changed either country,
sector or function post MBA
on Average
of our students receive
scholarships and tuition waiver

Faculty & Staff / Students

 exchange partner schools around the world 
Functional Concentrations

Scholarships and Tuition Waivers

The MBA class




Average Age


Students in 2 Classes


Countries represented

Inside My MBA SDA Bocconi programs offer a unique and personalized learning experience. Enter the world of MBA to discover its unique contents.

"In a world of abrupt discontinuities and planetary challenges, our MBA aspires to be a game changer for the careers of our students, providing a unique experience, where craftsmanship and flexibility are intrinsic to our approach. We are committed to shaping leaders that go beyond the rigorous learning of business fundamentals, combining entrepreneurial spirit with a mindset for organizational citizenship."



Stefano Pogutz

What they say about us

I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed my time at SDA Bocconi. The faculty, staff and students were extremely welcoming and made me feel at home immediately . I found the classes to be engaging in a different way than they are at my home school. It makes me think I should have considered SDA Bocconi when applying to business schools!

Andrew Fredrickson

Incoming Exchange Student 2019 - Duke's Fuqua School of Business
Implementing COVID 19 Crisis Management strategies together. Living far from my family and friends under such circumstances hasn't been easy but I find some of the best aspects of the Full-Time MBA at SDA Bocconi have become even more salient in difficult times.
At the top of that list is our program director. Professor Daveri has always been accessible and light-hearted while taking very seriously his mission to guide and protect the value of the program. It was clear from the early days of this crisis how much he cared about each of us and wanted to find ways to support us from his home in Milano. He is now more accessible than ever, always ready to hear our concerns or just to say hello, with updates from his family and his two maine coons. I realized just how unusual and wonderful such access is during a virtual meeting, when Professor Daveri reminded us that he was available at a moment's notice since he was almost always at his computer and had, in fact, just been writing a piece for Corriere della Sera. 
Other moments--like when Professor Ariela Caglio opened our online Performance Management class with Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now"--our first virtual happy hour, which we branded "aperiti(vide)o"--the air kisses I threw to a classmate from his third floor window when I went to get groceries--these are the moments that have celebrated remotely, that we will remember when we meet again, and that will define us for years to come. COVID-19 doesn't stop us from having these moments; it inspires us to savor them when they come along.
The next few months are uncertain but I believe that the effort I'm investing now to overcome the challenges imposed by COVID-19 will only strengthen my position in a job market that values empathy, flexibility, and resilience. I'm proud to be part of a community that isn't stopping in the face of these challenges but is committed to advancing through them, together.
Taylor Arno - American
MBA 2020

Meet the MBA

Upcoming face-to-face meetings
Aug 2024 09:00 - 18:00 | LOCAL TIME
Orientation Meetings - Mexico City
Language ENGLISH
Learn More
Aug 2024 19:00 - 21:00 | LOCAL TIME
Mexico City: Networking Aperitif with Prospective Candidates and Bocconi Alumni
Language ENGLISH
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Personalized Orientation

SDA Bocconi organizes events and meetings throughout the year, both online and offline, where you can interact with the Director and other members of the MBA Community.

See all events 

An MBA is a commitment. The Recruiting and Admissions team will be happy to arrange an individual orientation meeting at school to answer your questions and give you personalized advice. We can also do this when we travel to your part of the world, and by phone or remotely.

Next Steps

Sep 2024
Application Review Start

Go to admissions

15 Apr 2025
Application Deadline
Jul 2025
Application Review End
Sep 2025
Program Start
Dec 2026
Program End

News & Social

19 June 2024
Celebrating unity and enduring bonds: SDA Bocconi’s 2024 MBA Reunion
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13 June 2024
Leadership and teamwork: SDA Bocconi Sailing Club triumphs at Global MBA Trophy.
Learn More


MBAs Open Day: 28 Sept 2024

Learn more about the SDA Bocconi MBAs and interact with the Directors, Students, Alums, Recruiters and Career Development

Find out more