Executive Roundtables

The executive roundtables are ongoing series of moderated business discussions for the senior executives of large, global companies.

Each roundtable is a uniquely crafted dialogue, prepared by SDA Bocconi with the input and engagement of the participating executives.  In focused discussions that cut across organizations and industries, participants from member corporations examine key business issues and topical challenges together. Members choose the topics each year, so the discussions are always relevant to their real-world concerns and achieve an appropriate balance of practicality and thoughtfulness. The participants come away from the day-long experience with new ideas and new approaches to specific challenges—the kind of creative assessment that arises only from diverse perspectives.

Digital Strategies Roundtable

The Digital Strategies Roundtable (DSR) delivers an ongoing series of business dialogues for chief information officers (CIOs) and top-level executives of non-competitive large global corporations from various industries. In focused discussions that cut across organizational silos, the executives share insights on the enabling role of digital technology in meeting the business challenges of various parts of the enterprise.

Corporate Information Security Roundtable

The Corporate Information Security Roundtable (CSR) delivers an ongoing series of business and security dialogues for chief information security officers (CISOs) of large global corporations to share insights on the solutions to continually changing threats, vulnerabilities and risks of information/cyber security in corporations today. Participants engage in discussions that cut across organizations and industries, examining the threat landscape, business issues and technologies that lead to security challenges they are or will soon face, and how they can reduce information risk.