Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management

Add More Value to Creativity.

Prossimo Inizio 20 Gen 2025
Durata 12 mesi
Lingua Inglese
Formato Full-Time
Esperienza lavorativa media 3,2 anni
Dove Milano

Il Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management (MAFED) è un programma internazionale offerto in inglese, rivolto a chi aspira a una carriera manageriale nei settori della moda, del lusso e del design.

Ciò richiede competenze specifiche, sia sul piano teorico sia su quello pratico, che orientino la creatività a risultati di eccellenza manageriale.

Per questo il MAFED, che riconosce 70 crediti formativi ECTS/ CFU, offre ai partecipanti non solo una preparazione accademica ricca e interdisciplinare, ma anche una vasta gamma di opportunità sul campo, quali field projects, visite in aziende del settore e attività extra-curriculari.

Si favorisce così un nuovo approccio manageriale e l'acquisizione di competenze specifiche, nonché il confronto diretto con le tendenze e i modelli di business di successo e lo sviluppo di una rete di contatti di cui fanno parte professionisti, studenti e faculty.

Il networking è inoltre favorito tramite la rete di Alumni MAFED, che conta quasi 500 membri in tutto il mondo, e un’ampia Business Community grazie alla collaborazione con la Fondazione Altagamma, che promuove studi e progetti di ricerca in questo settore.





Profilo del candidato

  • Laurea in qualsiasi disciplina
  • 2 anni di esperienza professionale
  • Conoscenza approfondita dell'inglese (TOEFL/IELTS)



MY MAFED in 60 seconds – Elio Di Gregorio

MY MAFED in 60 seconds – Ella Phillips






Trova lavoro entro un anno  

+ di 50

Top Guest Speakers 

Viaggi studio

a Parigi, Madrid, New York o Italian Grand Tour


Program con LVMH & Loro Piana

Borse di Studio ed Esoneri

Profilo della classe


 In aula


 Partecipanti internazionali 


 Esperienza lavorativa media 


 Età media

“La creatività di Milano, capitale globale della moda e del design, si unisce all'eccellenza accademica e manageriale di SDA Bocconi per un percorso formativo unico, in cui creatività, inventiva e immaginazione interagiscono con strategia, processi produttivi e marketing.” 



Emanuela Prandelli

"MAFED non è solo un percorso formativo, è anche un'esperienza straordinaria, arricchente ed emozionante che ci porta alla scoperta del futuro della moda, della customer experience e del design management. Sono entusiasta di accompagnare gli studenti in un percorso ricco di opportunità di cambiamento e apprendimento in ambiti altamente creativi. Lo faccio portando la mia passione autentica per un settore che cresce a un ritmo incredibile e in cui diventa sempre più importante acquisire solide competenze manageriali e una mentalità imprenditoriale."



Chiara Piancatelli

MAFED was a whirlwind, life changing year that I will never forget, and by which I am forever changed. In the middle of a global pandemic, I, like many of my classmates, took the crazy chance to move to a new country while the whole world was still upside down, unsure of how classes would be held and what our daily lives would look like. We felt the fear and we did it anyway - our very own crash course in learning to trust our instincts.

If there’s anything covid-19 has taught us, it’s that we are resilient. Things may not always go as planned, but we were able to adapt and persevere. Covid-19 also taught us just how quickly the world moves, just how quickly the world changes. Our year flew by quicker than I would ever have imagined. When I look back, I wonder how we managed to fit it all in: all the classes we started, all the project and exams we carried forward. Nevertheless, amidst the stress, the late nights, the many group projects, and the hours spent pouring over slides and notes we made it, yet another reminder that nothing worth having comes easy.
Most importantly, I can say, without a doubt, that this year was well-spent, having learned a lot about business, fashion, and myself. We learned, we grew personally and professionally and we will all become better people and employees for it. And one day, I can only hope we will each be invited back to Bocconi to tell the future MAFED students how this incredible experience had helped us achieve our dream career.

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Hailey Druker - Canadian
MAFED 2022

If I were to think of one word to describe the MAFED journey, it would be - extraordinary. This year was truly not ordinary. Here, I am not only addressing the covid-19 and the extraordinary circumstances we started this year but also the extraordinary learnings, life experiences, and friendships we gained. Since we joined the program, we had the opportunity to learn about 22 courses spanning management, marketing, finance, fashion, and digital fields. We were extraordinarily lucky not only to learn about these topics through our amazing professors but also through more than 30 other industry leaders. Nonetheless, there were the extraordinary times spent as a group together – the celebrations, trips, including Paris, Madrid, Vicenza, company visits, late studies, and many group projects in which we laughed, cried and in the end celebrated all the learnings. I cannot thank enough our amazing Program Director Emanuela Prandelli, all the professors, guest speakers, other valuable members of the MAFED community and my classmates for making the past year extraordinary and for giving me the confidence and knowledge to overcome future challenges in the industry and the society we leave in.

linkedin profile

Emilia Skoric - Croatian
MAFED 2021

A tu per tu con MAFED

Prossimi incontri face-to-face
ott 2024 14:00 - 19:00 | CEST
Orientation Meetings - Roma
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ott 2024 09:00 - 12:00 | CEST
Orientation Meetings - Roma
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