May 2023 13:00 - 16:00 | CEST

Online MIND Innovation Week | 50 MIND-tech 4 Sustainable future

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

Online Platform

MIND was created to catalyse the extraordinary Milanese and Lombardy research and innovation ecosystem, accelerating the process of technology transfer from research (13 universities, 19 IRCCSs and hundreds of public and private research centres) to market, with a special focus on the Life Sciences sector, a strong asset of the Lombardy ecosystem with great development potential at the global level, and emerging deep-tech approaches.

Through the voices of some of the protagonists of MIND and the city of Milan, we will focus on how the district is organising itself with a series of new infrastructures and services aimed at attracting and integrating in the quickest and most effective way international companies and talents wishing to access the European market and competitively develop their own research and innovation projects.

The setting for the event will the MIND Innovation Week, a week of talks, events and discussion panels developed in collaboration with the MIND community, to explore the projects that make the city of Milan a platform for innovation.

The event will be in English and participation will be in-presence and online upon registration.



The event is part of SDA Bocconi's 50 MIND Tech 4 Sustainbale Future research project for Lendlease on MIND - Milano Innovation District urban regeneration project.

The 50 MIND Tech 4 Sustainbale Future Scientific Committee is made up of: 



Scientific Directors


Andrea Beltratti
PhD Yale Full Professor Department of Finance Università Bocconi
Alessia Bezzecchi
SDA Associate Professor Corporate Finance & Real Estate SDA Bocconi



Scientific Committee


Stefano Caselli
Dean SDA Bocconi Finance
Rossella Cappetta
Associate Dean Open programs SDA Bocconi
Marco Carabelli
CEO and Director Sviluppo immobiliare Finiper Canova Group SpA
Paola Cillo
Associate Dean for Resarch SDA Bocconi Innovation
Andrea Fosfuri
Dean of Phd School and For Innovation
Enrico Moretti
Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
Annalisa Prencipe
Full Professor Department of Accounting
Valeria Tozzi
MIMS Director SDA Bocconi
Riccardo Zecchina
Full Professor Department of Computing Sciences



Research committee contacts: filomena.gallo@sdabocconi.it 

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