Valeria Tozzi

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Latest publications

TOZZI V., BOSCOLO P. R., CINELLI G., FERRARA L., PETRACCA F., ZAZZERA A. Therapeutic innovation in high-prevalence chronic diseases: Challenges and opportunities for specialist care models Health Services Management Research, 2024, vol.37, no. 1, pp.29-33
Sanza M., Monzio Compagnoni M., Caggiu G., Allevi L., Barbato A., Campa J., Carle F., D’avanzo B., Di Fiandra T., FERRARA L., Gaddini A., Saponaro A., Scondotto S., TOZZI V., Lorusso S., Giordani C., Corrao G., Lora A. Assessing the quality of the care offer for people with personality disorders in Italy: the QUADIM project. A multicentre research based on the database of use of Mental Health services International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 2023, vol.17, no. 1
LISTORTI E., FERRARA L., Adinolfi A., Gerardi M. C., Ughi N., TOZZI V., Epis O. M. Joining telehealth in rheumatology: a survey on the role played by personalized experience from patients’ perspective BMC Health Services Research, 2023, vol.23, no. 1, pp.1-10
TOZZI V., BANKS H., FERRARA L., Barbato A., Corrao G., D’avanzo B., Di Fiandra T., Gaddini A., Compagnoni M. M., Sanza M., Saponaro A., Scondotto S., Lora A. Using big data and Population Health Management to assess care and costs for patients with severe mental disorders and move toward a value-based payment system BMC Health Services Research, 2023, vol.23, pp.960
DALPONTE F., ZAZZERA A., FERRARA L., TOZZI V. Mapping the Diffusion and Implementation of Breast Units: Lessons Learned from the Case of Italy Medical Research Archives, 2023, vol.11, no. 11
CINELLI G., DALPONTE F., FERRARA L., TOZZI V., ZAZZERA A. L’implementazione del DM77 nelle regioni italiane e il ruolo delle aziende sanitarie in Rapporto OASI 2023 CERGAS (Eds),Egea, chap. 10, pp.407-431, 2023

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EMMAS Executive Master in Management delle Aziende Sanitarie e Socio-Assistenziali
  • Start date
  • Language
  • Format
  • Duration
  • 2 Apr 2025
  • Italian
  • Executive
  • 12 Months

EMMAS addresses professionals who really want to innovate healthcare management, keeping a channel open between study and career.


60 CFU/ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) to be excellent managers in public and private healthcare

  • Start date
  • Duration
  • Format
  • Language
  • 2 Apr 2025
  • 16 days
  • Class
  • Italian

Acquire the managerial skills needed to play your organizational and managerial role effectively and govern change in the social care and healthcare system.