Jun 2024 18:00 - 19:00 | CEST

MAFED Stories: Chat with the Current Students

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

SDA Bocconi Platform

This interactive session will give you the possibility to get insights into the Master in Fashion, Experience and Design Management in terms of structure, content and focus. In particular, three current students of MAFED will share precious details about their journey and experience, sharing valuable insights on how the program is shaping their professional skills and knowledge of the luxury industry.

Hearing feedback and insights from those who are experiencing the Master is an incredibly useful way to fully understand if this is the right path for you. The interaction with the MAFED Director and the Recruiting Team will then enable you to get all the tips to prepare a solid application.

For any questions, please get in contact with:

Keynote Speakers

Emanuela Prandelli
go to cv
Temyr Chkadua
MAFED Current Student
Vincenza De Maio
MAFED Current Student
Marta Telleria
MAFED Current Student
Valentina Mardegan
Recruiting & Admissions

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