Jun 2024 18:00 - 20:00 | LOCAL TIME

Explora: alla scoperta del mondo MBA

Format Face to face
Location Milano

Via Sarfatti 10

An informal networking cocktail with MBA Directors, to learn more about SDA Bocconi MBA Programs and share experiences with Alums and other prospects like you.


During the event you will also have the chance to talk with our MBA recruiters for a personalized orientation, as well as to join the Campus tour to visit dedicated classrooms and study areas.




18:45 Executive MBA

19:15 Global Executive MBA

19:45 Full Time MBA

Keynote Speakers

Ferdinando Pennarola
Global Executive MBA
Go to cv
Stefano Pogutz
go to cv
Renata Trinca Colonel
Academic Director,
Executive MBA
Go to cv
Marco Morelli
Program Director,
Executive MBA
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Susana Pava
MBA 2022
Giorgio Porcelli
GEMBA 2024
Manuela Rognoni
EMBA 2023

Recruiting & Admissions

Giorgia Bava
Recruiting Coordinator
Fabrice Charlot
Recruiting & Admissions
Priscilla Gatto
Recruiting & Admissions
Valentina Mardegan
Recruiting & Admissions
Tommaso Panzavolta
Recruiting & Admissions

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