Jun 2022 19:00 - 21:00 | CEST

Networking Cocktail with our Associate Dean Master Division and alumni

Format Face to face
Language ENGLISH
Location Brasile

Renaissance São Paulo Hotel Al. Santos, 2233

Are you considering taking part in one of our MBAs or Specialized masters?

Join our Networking Aperitivo. A great opportunity to chat with our Associate Dean, Professor Enzo Baglieri, and interact with our Alumni who are ready to share their personal experience. Don't miss this opportunity to help guide your next steps - and your future success.

14 June 2022, 19:00 - 21:00

Renaissance São Paulo Hotel Al. Santos, 2233, São Paulo, Brazil

Keynote Speakers
Enzo Baglieri, Associate Dean Master Division
Felipe Pedrosa, VP Aqua Capital - MBA 2020
Renata Fontana, Strategy Consultant - MAFED 2005

Renata Fontana
Strategy Consultant - MAFED 2005

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