Addressing the Challenges of Transition

La Repubblica - SDA Bocconi


Walter Galbiati, the deputy director of Repubblica, launched today, through the pages of Affari&Finanza, Ideas for Growth. Addressing the Challenges of Transition, a series of four dialogues (in Italian) between Professors from SDA Bocconi and “leaders of the main Italian companies, all engaged daily on the front lines in the challenges of change.”

SDA Bocconi is the partner of Repubblica and Affari&Finanza in an initiative that aims to “not only propose ideas but also host ideas that fuel the Italian and international intellectual debate.”

“Today, the concept of growth is a necessity for the immense challenges we face, such as sustainability, which is the most complex, or digitalization,” comments Stefano Caselli, Dean of SDA Bocconi School of Management and promoter of the initiative. “In a world where giants like China and the United States are competing, Europe and Italy cannot compete if they do not have the strength to play the same game.”

The four dialogues, streamed on the Repubblica website, will focus on four aspects of the transition.

On May 27, Francesco Perrini, Associate Dean of SDA Bocconi for Sustainability, will speak on Green Transition (“the mother of all transitions,” according to Caselli) with Edoardo Ginevra, Co-General Manager of Banco BPM, and Piermario Barzaghi, Partner at KPMG responsible for sustainability services.

On June 24, it will be the turn of Managerial Transition with Alessandro Minichilli, Director of the Corporate Governance Lab at SDA Bocconi. “It's a fundamental point,” says Caselli, “and companies have understood it early and are investing in managerial skills, while politics struggles to understand the technical complexity of the challenges society is facing.” 

On September 23, a captivating topic like Digital Transition will be addressed by Gianluca Salviotti, Associate Professor of Practice of Information Systems and Digital Transformation at SDA Bocconi. The transition to digital, comments Dean Caselli, “will allow us to design better ways of living.”

On November 25, Rossella Cappetta, Associate Professor of Organization Design and Associate Dean for Open Programs at SDA Bocconi, will address the topic of Labor Transition, “a transition that means above all dignity and must contribute to the growth of the individual,” comments the Dean.


SDA Bocconi School of Management

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