Francesco Perrini

Strategy and Operations


Latest publications

POGUTZ S., PERRINI F., DE SILVIO M., PACHNER J., MAGNI G., FUMAGALLI F., COZZI A. La Ocean Disclosure Initiative. Una nuova piattaforma per cambiare insieme Economia & Management, 2024, no. 1, pp.30-35
POGUTZ S., PERRINI F., PACHNER J., SARDÀ R., FUMAGALLI F. Una nuova sfida per tutti. Proteggere gli oceani per un pianeta sostenibile Economia & Management, 2024, no. 1, pp.7-14
PERRINI F. Management - IV Edizione. Economia Aziendale e Gestione delle Imprese Egea, Milano, Italy, 2023
Sardá R., POGUTZ S., DE SILVIO M., ALLEVI V., SAPUTO A., Daminelli R., Fumagalli F., Totaro L., Rizzi G., Magni G., Pachner J., PERRINI F. Business for ocean sustainability: Early responses of ocean governance in the private sector Ambio: A Journal of Environment and Society, 2023, vol.52, pp.253–270
PERRINI F., POGUTZ S., DE SILVIO M. Le quattro strategie per promuovere pratiche sostenibili Economia & Management, 2023, no. 1, pp.72-75
PERRINI F. Corporate Social Responsibility e performance d’impresa. Un modello d’analisi della creazione di valore per la gestione delle imprese Finanza, Marketing e Produzione, 2023, vol.21, no. 4, pp.25-60

Grants & Honors

2019 CDR-Claudio Demattè Research Division Award - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2019
2017 CDR-Claudio Demattè Research Division Award - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2017
Best Paper Award - EURAM 2014, with the paper 'Succession and post-succession performance in social enterprises', (Co-Authors F.Giordano, C.Vurro) - EURAM - European Academy of Management , 2014
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2012
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2011
Best Paper Award, with the paper: “Going beyond a long-lasting debate: What is behind the relationship between corporate social and financial performance?”, (Co-Authors A. Russo, A. Tencati, C. Vurro) - The Network for Business Sustainability (NBS) , 2010
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2010
Best Management Case Award - EFMD European Foundation for Management Development , 2009
Best Research Paper Award, with the paper “Learning dynamics of corporate sustainability integration: A process based view”, (Co-Authors C. Vurro, S. Brusoni) Network Ethics Conference 2009, Catholic University , 2009
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2009
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2008
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2007

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Academic Director

  • NEW
MSM Master in Sustainability Management
  • Start date
  • Language
  • Format
  • Duration
  • 17 Mar 2025
  • English
  • Full-Time
  • 12 Months

MSM is a unique opportunity for those who are interested in sustainability challenges and want to develop a professional career in a multi-disciplinary topic.


66 ECTS credits, designed for talented students from all over the world, with international vocation profiles and a passion for the sustainability.


Sustainability Strategy and Governance - Edizione autunnale Integrare i fattori ESG in azienda
  • Start date
  • Duration
  • Format
  • Language
  • 11 Nov 2024
  • 4,5 days
  • Class
  • Italian

Comprendere a fondo e implementare con efficacia la nuova dimensione della sostenibilità aziendale e saper realizzare un piano strategico guidato da criteri ESG.