- Start Date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 19 mar 2025
- 3 days
- Class
- Italian
Gestire clienti e prospect strategici in modo strutturato individuando e sfruttando le opportunità di business e potenziando le capacità negoziali e di comunicazione.
SDA Bocconi's new On Demand Online Programs are accessible from any device, and match your agenda and your specific needs. Anytime anywhere.
The Program describes the potential of social media marketing with multiple examples and case studies, and the discussion of management models for this new communication with clients. The use of social media in marketing is framed in a digital transformation perspective, where social media play a strategic role in creating new business opportunities by redesigning customer digital experience. By completing the Program you will be able to apply the principles of social media marketing to the different projects in the area and to campaign design, analyzing performance and re-engineering strategies to maximize branding and commercial results.