Giorgio Giacomelli

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Latest publications

VIDÈ F., GIACOMELLI G. Dati, relazioni, digitale. Talenti cercasi per nuove competenze Economia & Management, 2024, no. 2, pp.20-28
COMPAGNI A., BOSCOLO P. R., GIACOMELLI G., SARTIRANA M. Unpacking hybridity: Development and first validation of a multidimensional instrument to profile hybrid professionals Public Administration, 2024, vol.102, no. 2, pp.519-539
PEROBELLI E., GIACOMELLI G., CAPPELLARO G., SAPORITO R. Steering or Drifting? Reviving Social Equity Through Performance Measurement in Hybrid Organizations: A Case from Italy in Social Equity and Public Management Theory. A Global Outlook Kimberly Wiley, Sarah Young, Denita Cepiku (Eds),Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, chap. 4, pp.57-78, 2024
SARTIRANA M., GIACOMELLI G. Hybridity enabled: A research synthesis of the enabling conditions for hybrid professionalism in healthcare Health Services Management Research, 2024, vol.37, no. 1, pp.2-15
GIACOMELLI G., MICACCHI M., MICACCHI L. Performance shall not live by results alone: organizational subcultures and perceived performance in public administration Public Money & Management, 2024, pp.1-15
GIACOMELLI G., Annesi N., BARBIERI M. Telework and job satisfaction in knowledge-intensive public organizations: a quali-quantitative analysis from an environmental protection agency in Italy Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 2023

Grants & Honors

Best Paper Award (Healthcare Management) - AIES - Italian Health Economics Association , 2018

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PIAO: Valore pubblico, performance, organizzazione Un modello operativo
  • Start date
  • Duration
  • Format
  • Language
  • 25 Sep 2024
  • 1,5 days
  • Blended
  • Italian

Il corso PIAO e performance nella PA fornisce strumenti concettuali e operativi per applicare logiche di programmazione finalizzate e integrate.