Gimede Gigante



Pubblicazioni recenti

GIGANTE G., Guarniero P., Pasini S. Markovian analysis of U.S. Treasury volatility: Asymmetric responses to macroeconomic announcements Economics Letters, 2024, vol.239, pp.111723
GIGANTE G. Investment Banking: Intermediaries as Infrastructure of Capital Markets in Capital Markets: Perspectives over the last decade Stefano Caselli, Stefano Gatti (a cura di), Bocconi University Press - BUP, chap. 1, pp.9-68, 2023
GIGANTE G., Angioni O. The impact of preventive takeover defences on corporate financial performance: Evidence from the US Finance Research Letters, 2023, vol.55, pp.103836
GIGANTE G., BALDACCHINI M., CERRI A. Drivers of shareholder value creation in M&A: event study in the European banking sector in the post-financial crisis era in Creating Value and Improving Financial Performance: Inclusive Finance and the ESG Premium Paul Wachtel, Giovanni Ferri, Ewa Miklaszewska (a cura di), Palgrave Macmillan, chap. 10, pp.239-265, 2023
GIGANTE G., Sironi E., Tridenti C. At the Frontier of Sustainable Finance: Impact Investing and the Financial Tradeoff; Evidence from Private Portfolio Companies in the United Kingdom Sustainability, 2023, vol.15, no. 5, pp.3956
CASELLI S., GATTI S., Chiarella C., GIGANTE G., NEGRI G. Do shareholders really matter for firm performance? Evidence from the ownership characteristics of Italian listed companies International Review of Financial Analysis, 2023, vol.86, pp.102544

Grants & Premi

Teaching Award - Graduate School - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2023
Teaching Award - Undergraduate School - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2020
Teaching Award - Undergraduate School - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2016
Teaching Award - Undergraduate School - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2015


Gli investimenti nei private markets
  • Data inizio
  • Durata
  • Formato
  • Lingua
  • 18 sett 2024
  • 3 giorni
  • Class
  • Italiano

Il corso consente di approfondire la potenza trasformativa dei private markets e il suo impatto sulla composizione dei portafogli d’investimento a ogni livello.