Aleksandra Torbica

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Pubblicazioni recenti

Antonini M., Genie M. G., Attema A. E., Attwell K., Balogh Z. J., Behmane D., Berardi C., Brammli-Greenberg S., Greenland A., Hagen T. P., Hinwood M., James C., Kellner A., Kelly B., Murauskienė L., McGregor N., MELEGARO A., Moy N., Sequeira A. R., Singh R., TORBICA A., Ward J. K., Yang D., Paolucci F. Public preferences for vaccination campaigns in the COVID-19 endemic phase: insights from the VaxPref database Health Policy and Technology, 2024, vol.13, no. 1, pp.100849
Trentini F., CIANI O., Vanni E., GHISLANDI S., TORBICA A., Azzolini E., MELEGARO A. A repeated cross-sectional analysis on the economic impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic at the hospital level in Italy Scientific Reports, 2023, vol.13, no. 1, pp.12386
ARMENI P., MEREGAGLIA M., BORSOI L., CALLEA G., TORBICA A., Benazzo F., TARRICONE R. Collecting Physicians’ Preferences on Medical Devices: Are We Doing It Right? Evidence from Italian Orthopedists Using 2 Different Stated Preference Methods Medical Decision Making, 2023, vol.43, no. 7-8, pp.886-900
LISTORTI E., TORBICA A., Cella S. G., Fiorini G., Corrao G., Franchi M. A Cohort Study on Diabetic Undocumented Migrants in Italy: Can Charitable Organizations Contribute to Higher Adherence? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, vol.20, no. 4, pp.2794
Shayegh S., Andreu-Perez J., Akoth C., Bosch-Capblanch X., Dasgupta S., Falchetta G., Gregson S., Hammad A. T., Herringer M., Kapkea F., Labella A., Lisciotto L., Martínez L., Macharia P. M., Morales-Ruiz P., Murage N., Offeddu V., South A., TORBICA A., Trentini F., MELEGARO A. Prioritizing COVID-19 vaccine allocation in resource poor settings: Towards an Artificial Intelligence-enabled and Geospatial-assisted decision support framework Plos One, 2023, vol.18, no. 8, pp.e0275037
LISTORTI E., TORBICA A., Cella S. G., Fiorini G., Corrao G., Franchi M. Healthcare Services for Undocumented Migrants: Organisation and Costs from the Italian NHS Perspective International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, vol.19, no. 24, pp.16447

Grants & Premi

Teaching Excellence Award (for innovation in teaching) - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2020
Modelling effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and promoting health care value in the real world. The Motive project - Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca , 2019
COMED (Pushing the boundaries of Cost and Outcome Analysis of Medical Technologies) - Commissione Europea , 2018
IQCE (Improving Quality of Care in Europe) - Commissione Europea , 2017

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