Oriana Ciani

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Pubblicazioni recenti

ARDITO V., CIANI O., DRUMMOND M. Design and Features of Pricing and Payment Schemes for Health Technologies: A Scoping Review and a Proposal for a Flexible Need-Driven Classification PharmacoEconomics, 2025, vol.43, pp.5-29
CIANI O., ARDITO V., OPREA N. Shared Decision-making in Handbook of Generalized Pairwise Comparisons: Methods for Patient-Centric Analysis Marc Buyse, Johan Verbeeck, Everardo D. Saad, Mickaël De Backer, Vaiva Deltuvaite-Thomas, Geert Molenberghs (a cura di), Chapman and Hall/CRC, chap. 24, 2025
Valsecchi A. A., Giovanardi F., MALANDRINI F., MEREGAGLIA M., Servetto A., Bennati C., Pinto C., Di Maio M., CIANI O. Breast-cancer specific comprehensive archive of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) for clinical research and clinical practice in oncology: Results from the PRO4All project The Breast, 2024, vol.78, pp.103817
ARDITO V., CIANI O., FEDERICI C. B., FURNARI A., GIUDICE L., TARRICONE R. Esiti di salute e performance del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale in Rapporto OASI 2024 CERGAS (a cura di), Egea, chap. 7, pp.275-331, 2024
Generali D., Rocca A., Strina C., Milani M., Fiorino E., Cervoni V., Azzini C., Saracino A., Ciliberto I., Ziglioli N., Alberio M., Giudici F., Dester M., CIANI O., FORNARO G., Aguggini S., Dreezen C., Pronin D., Ende S. Assessing the long-term prognostic ability of the 70 gene expression signature MammaPrint in an Italian single-center prospective cohort study of early-stage intermediate-risk breast cancer patients Heliyon, 2024, vol.10, no. 21, pp.e39485
CALABRIA S., PICCINNI C., CIANI O., SANTORO E., PETRACCA F., BARBON GALLUPPI R., MARTINI N. La governance delle terapie digitali: HTA, accesso e rimborso Tendenze Nuove, 2024, no. 1, pp.97-118

Grants & Premi

Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2023
Egon Jonsson Award - HTAi - Health Technology Assessment international , 2016
Best Podium Presentation - ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research , 2013
Premio Giovani Ricercatori - AIES - Associazione Italiana di Economia Sanitaria , 2010

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