Hans Christian Brechbuhl

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Pubblicazioni recenti

BRECHBUHL H. C., ABBATEMARCO N. La sfida nascosta della trasformazione digitale - The Hidden Challenge of Digital Transformation Economia & Management, 2020, no. 2, pp.54-59
BRECHBUHL H. C., BERGHAUS S., SAMMER T., BÄCK A. Balancing Innovation and Operations: Opportunities and Challenges of Second Generation Enterprise Mobility The Journal of Management Systems, 2014, vol.24, no. 3, pp.31-44
BRECHBUHL H. C., Bruce R., Dynes S., Johnson M. E. Protecting Critical Information Infrastructure: Developing Cybersecurity Policy Information Technology for Development, 2010, vol.16, no. 1, pp.83-91
BRECHBUHL H. C. Best Practices for Service Organisations Business Strategy Review, 2004, vol.15, no. 1, pp.68-70
BRECHBUHL H. C., TRNJANIN A. In the Consumer Age, the Customer Dictates the Pace Handelszeitung, Aprile, 2016
ESPINEL V., BRECHBUHL H. C., BRYNJOLFSSON E., ANNUNZIATA M., CAO R., CRAWFORD S., DE FILIPPI P., FANJUL M., GOODMAN M., HOKE D. C., KIRKPATRICK D., LANNG C., MADELIN R., MOODY J., MOREIRA C., BRENDAN P., PETERSON K. Deep Shift: 21 Ways Software Will Transform Global Society - Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software & Society 2015, World Economic Forum

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