Francesco Candeloro Billari

Economics, Politics and Decision Sciences


Pubblicazioni recenti

BILLARI F. C. Domani è oggi: Il nostro futuro tra demografia e istruzione Egea, Milano, Italia, 2023
BILLARI F. C., FAVERO C., SAITA F. Online financial and demographic education for workers: Experimental evidence from an Italian Pension Fund Journal of Banking & Finance, 2023, vol.151, pp.106849
Mooyaart J. E., Liefbroer A. C., BILLARI F. C. The changing relationship between socio-economic background and family formation in four European countries Population Studies, 2022, vol.76, no. 2, pp.235-251
BILLARI F. C. Demography: Fast and Slow Population and Development Review, 2022, vol.48, no. 1, pp.9-30
Danielsbacka M., Tanskanen A. O., BILLARI F. C. Meeting online and family-related outcomes: evidence from three German cohorts Journal of Family Studies, 2022, vol.28, no. 4, pp.1390-1415
Pesando L. M., Rotondi V., Stranges M., Kashyap R., BILLARI F. C. The Internetization of International Migration Population and Development Review, 2021, vol.47, no. 1, pp.79-111

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