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81 news
02 December 2022
The Airport Business Between Now and the Future: Marco Troncone's Viewpoint
The Airport Business Between Now and the Future: Marco Troncone's Viewpoint
The CEO of Aeroporti di Roma meets SDA Bocconi's EMBA students to discuss his company's growth ...
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21 November 2022
Using Leadership as an accelerator, a conversation with the CEO of Siemens Italy
Using Leadership as an accelerator, a conversation with the CEO of Siemens Italy
Floriano Masoero meets EMBA students in an event that delves into the transformation path of ...
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02 November 2022
Executive MBA "CEO Talks"
Executive MBA
Giovanni Colavita, CEO of Colavita and Full-Time MBA Alumnus, meets with Executive MBA students ...
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01 September 2022
JRS+: a startup driving innovation
JRS+: a startup driving innovation
SDA Bocconi Insight - From class to business - G. Tomasi
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30 May 2022
Altavilla, ITA Airways – When the leader makes the difference
Altavilla, ITA Airways – When the leader makes the difference
An EMBA-GEMBA joint meeting
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06 December 2021
Executive MBA “CEO Talks”
Executive MBA “CEO Talks”
Fincantieri’s CEO Giuseppe Bono participated in the Opening Week of SDA Bocconi’s Executive MBA
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