Space Transportation: SEE Lab-ART Agreement

SEE Lab - Space Economy Evolution


The Italian Transport Regulatory Authority (ART) and the Space Economy Evolution Lab (SEE Lab) of SDA Bocconi School of Management signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlining the terms of mutual collaboration for research in areas of shared interest.


The agreement includes the possibility of organizing various joint initiatives, such as outreach events, training workshops, lectures, conferences, internships for graduate students, and other collaborative projects. Each activity will be governed by a separate agreement detailing its nature, specifics, and objectives.


“This important partnership represents a starting point for developing joint projects that will enhance the activities of SEE Lab, the Transport Regulatory Authority, and the entire national and international space system,” said Simonetta Di Pippo, Director of SEE Lab. “Space transportation will play an increasingly important role in the space economy.”


“The collaboration with SEE Lab will allow the Authority to explore the frontier topic of space transportation regulation, as well as access to both ground and space-based infrastructure,” said the Authority's President, Nicola Zaccheo.


SDA Bocconi School of Management

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