Thorsten Grohsjean

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Latest publications

Lampraki A., Kolympiris C., GROHSJEAN T., Dahlander L. The new needs friends: Simmelian strangers and the selection of novelty Strategic Management Journal, 2024, vol.45, no. 4, pp.716-744
Piezunka H., GROHSJEAN T. Collaborations that hurt firm performance but help employees’ careers Strategic Management Journal, 2023, vol.44, no. 3, pp.778-811
GROHSJEAN T., DAHLANDER L., SALTER A., CRISCUOLO P. Better Ways to Green-Light New Projects Mit Sloan Management Review, 7 December, 2021, vol.63, no. 2
Criscuolo P., Dahlander L., GROHSJEAN T., Salter A. The Sequence Effect in Panel Decisions: Evidence from the Evaluation of Research and Development Projects Organization Science, 2021, vol.32, no. 4, pp.987-1008
CRISCUOLO P., DAHLANDER L., GROHSJEAN T., SALTER A. The Biases That Keep Good R&D Projects from Getting Funded Harvard Business Review, 17 March, 2017
Grohsjean T., Criscuolo P., Dahlander L., Salter A. Evaluating Novelty: The Role of Panels in the Selection of R&D Projects Academy of Management Journal, 2017, vol.60, no. 2, pp.433-460

Grants & Honors

Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2024
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2023
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2022
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2021
Excellence inTeaching Award (Innovation) for the 2018-19 Academic Year for the PhD School - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2020
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2018
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2017
Jürgen Hauschildt Award 2016 for the Best Empirical Research Publication in Innovation Management with “Evaluating Novelty: The Role of Panels in the Selection of R&D Projects” with Paola Criscuolo, Linus Dahlander and Ammon Salter , 2016
European Business School Best Paper Award “Innovation Management” 2016 for “Evaluating Novelty: The Role of Panels in the Selection of R&D Projects” with Paola Criscuolo, Linus Dahlander and Ammon Salter , 2016
Excellence in Teaching Award, LMU Munich School of Management , 2014
Best Paper Proceedings 2013 (10% best papers) with “The Chosen Ones. The Selection of Capabilities in Professional Services Firms” with Paola Criscuolo, Tore Opsahl and Ammon Salter - Academy of Management , 2013
Best Paper Proceedings 2010 (10% best papers) with “The What, the Who and the How: Learning to Coordinate and Team Performance” with Cristian Dezsö and Tobias Kretschmer - Academy of Management , 2010
DRUID Best Paper Award 2009 for “Product Line Extension in Hypercompetitive Environments – Evidence from the US Video Game Industry” with Tobias Kretschmer , 2009
Excellence in Teaching Award - Universität Mannheim , 2006

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