Remus Ilies

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Latest publications

ILIES R., Bono J. E., Bakker A. B. Crafting Well-Being: Employees Can Enhance Their Own Well-Being by Savoring, Reflecting upon, and Capitalizing on Positive Work Experiences Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2024, vol.11, no. 1, pp.63-91
NETCHAEVA E., ILIES R., MAGNI M., Yao J. What we are pushed to do versus what we want to do: Comparing the unique effects of citizenship pressure and actual citizenship behavior on fatigue and family behaviors Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2023, vol.141, pp.103845
Hülsheger U. R., Yang T., Bono J. E., Goh Z., ILIES R. Stop the spin: The role of mindfulness practices in reducing affect spin. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2022, vol.27, no. 6, pp.529-543
Lee R., Mai K. M., Qiu F., ILIES R., Tang P. M. Are you too happy to serve others? When and why positive affect makes customer mistreatment experience feel worse Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2022, vol.172, pp.104188
Tang P. M., ILIES R., Aw S. S. Y., Lin K. J., Lee R., Trombini C. How and when service beneficiaries’ gratitude enriches employees’ daily lives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2022, vol.107, no. 6, pp.987-1008
Pluut H., ILIES R., Su R., Weng Q., Liang A. X. How social stressors at work influence marital behaviors at home: An interpersonal model of work–family spillover Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2022, vol.27, no. 1, pp.74-88

Grants & Honors

Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2023