Clelia Iacomino

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Latest publications

IACOMINO C. Verso la commercializzazione: analisi comparata tra Stati Uniti ed Europa in Space economy, space industry, space law di Simonetta Di Pippo, Sergio Marchisio(Ed), Il Mulino, pp.47-65, 2024
DI PIPPO S., GORI L., PIANORSI M., IACOMINO C., Lorusso P. I., Latino F. Funding New Space Companies in Equity Markets: Assessing the Risk and Uncertaintyof Newly Listed Public Companies New Space, 2024
IACOMINO C., DI PIPPO S., PIANORSI M., LATINO F. Space Economy: The Engine of the New Space Race in The Sky is not the Limit. Geopolitics and Economics of the New Space Race Alessandro Gili (Eds),Ledizioni LediPublishing, chap. 2, pp.45-74, 2024
CARAVEO P., IACOMINO C. Europe in the Global Space Economy Springer Cham, Switzerland, 2023
IACOMINO C., ROSSI A., SAPUTO A. Economic theory applied to space debris scenarios in Earth’s Orbits at Risk: The Economics of Space Sustainability OECD (Eds),OECD Publishing, chap. 6, pp.97-113, 2022
IACOMINO C., PIANORSI M., SAPUTO A. L’importanza del rapporto pubblico-privato Economia & Management, 2022, no. 2, pp.66-70

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