Observatory on Accredited Healthcare Provider

Since 2004, OSPA, the Observatory on Accredited Healthcare Providers of CERGAS SDA Bocconi deals with managerial issues and policies affecting the so-called "accredited private providers", i.e. private entities that provide health services on behalf of the national health system.


The Observatory on Accredited Healthcare Providers monitors and interprets the main trends in accredited private healthcare in relation to both the political choices responsible for its regulation, and the strategies and management of companies that offer healthcare services for the Italian national healthcare system (NHS). In addition, the OSPA analyzes how much private business contributes to the attainment of the healthcare services standard established by the Italian NHS.


OSPA aims to be a forum where academics, health professionals, managers and entrepreneurs can easily exchange information and share new ideas and knowledge.


In particular, the Observatory:

  • analyzes the public expenditure for services provided by accredited private healthcare providers
  • collects information about services offered by companies both in hospitals and in clinics
  • studies the differences between private providers that operate in different regions, with specific attention being paid to Lombardy 
  • periodically monitors the development of the main private healthcare holding companies
  • every year it examines an emerging topic or a particularly relevant area, such as inter-regional mobility of patients, new models for the management of chronic illnesses, rehabilitation services , etc.

Research Team

Francesco Longo

Head of Research. Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences

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Alberto Ricci

Coordinator. Associate Professor of Practice in Government, Health and Not for Profit

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Francesco Petracca

Research Fellow at CERGAS. Fellow of the Government, Health & Not for Profit Knowledge Group

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The main results of OSPA’s research converge in the OASI report which is published every year and reaches the main policy makers, opinion leaders and health professionals.  The research reports are available on the CERGAS website.