Francesco Petracca

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Pubblicazioni recenti

TARRICONE R., PETRACCA F., Weller H. Towards harmonizing assessment and reimbursement of digital medical devices in the EU through mutual learning npj Digital Medicine, 2024, vol.7, no. 1
TARRICONE R., PETRACCA F., Svae L., CUCCINIELLO M., CIANI O. Which behaviour change techniques work best for diabetes self-management mobile apps? Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials eBioMedicine, 2024, vol.103, pp.105091
TOZZI V., BOSCOLO P. R., CINELLI G., FERRARA L., PETRACCA F., ZAZZERA A. Therapeutic innovation in high-prevalence chronic diseases: Challenges and opportunities for specialist care models Health Services Management Research, 2024, vol.37, no. 1, pp.29-33
SRIVASTAVA D., HENSCHKE C., VIRTANEN L., LOTMAN E., FRIEBEL R., ARDITO V., PETRACCA F. Promoting the systematic use of real-world data and real-world evidence for digital health technologies across Europe: a consensus framework Health Economics, Policy and Law, 2023, vol.18, no. 4, pp.395-410
BOBINI M., BOSCOLO P. R., CACCIA C., PETRACCA F., ROTOLO A. La telemedicina verso il consolidamento: assetti organizzativi formalizzati ed emergenti nel SSN in Rapporto OASI 2023 CERGAS (a cura di), Egea, chap. 12, pp.473-513, 2023
ARDITO V., CAPPELLARO G., COMPAGNI A., PETRACCA F., PRETI L. M. Implementation of Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare Organizations: Protocol for a Systematic Review of Empirical Studies JMIR Research Protocols, 2023, vol.12, no. 1, pp.e47971

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