Valter Lazzari



Pubblicazioni recenti

Srbinoski B., Poposki K., Born P. H., LAZZARI V. Life insurance demand and borrowing constraints Risk Management and Insurance Review, 2021, vol.24, no. 1, pp.37-69
GERANIO M., LAZZARI V. Stress testing the equity home bias: A turnover analysis of Eurozone markets Journal of International Money and Finance, 2019, vol.97, pp.70-85
LAZZARI V., Vena L., Venegoni A. Stress tests and asset quality reviews of banks: A policy announcement tool Journal of Financial Stability, 2017, vol.32, pp.86-98
Caggia A., LAZZARI V. Michele Lo Nero: imprenditore eclettico in Start up! 25 anni di università e impresa F. Visconti (a cura di), Guerini Next, pp.23-27, 2016
GERANIO M., LAZZARI V. Exchange competition in listing services: evidence for Italian companies Economic Notes, 2014, vol.43, no. 3, pp.283-307
LAZZARI V. (a cura di) Trends in the European Securities Industry Egea, Italia, 2011