Valentina Mele

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Pubblicazioni recenti

MELE V., Belardinelli P., Bellé N. Telework in public organizations: A systematic review and research agenda Public Administration Review, 2023, vol.83, no. 6, pp.1649-1666
Roberts A., Resh W., Basu R., Onyango G., Sullivan H., Peci A., Kapucu N., Schomaker R., MELE V. Roundtable: How do We Connect Public Administration and Human Rights? Perspectives on Public Management and Governance (PPMG), 2023
MELE V. Policy evaluation and international organizations in Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation Frédéric Varone, Steve Jacob, Pirmin Bundi (a cura di), Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 18, pp.285-298, 2023
BARBIERI M., MELE V., VIDÈ F. Le prospettive dello smart working nella PA: riflessioni e spunti in Reactive PA. Lezioni dalla Pandemia per il Cambiamento della Pubblica Amministrazione G. Valotti (a cura di), Egea, chap. 9, pp.239-255, 2022
BERTELLI A. M., MELE V., Woodhouse E. F. Corruption, Democracy, and Privately Financed Infrastructure Administration & Society, 2021, vol.53, no. 3, pp.327–352
MELE V., Bellé N., CUCCINIELLO M. Thanks, but No Thanks: Preferences towards Teleworking Colleagues in Public Organizations Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2021, vol.31, no. 4, pp.790-805

Grants & Premi

Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2022

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