Amedeo Rizzo



Pubblicazioni recenti

Passi C., RIZZO A. The New Tax Treatment of Capital Gains Arising from the Indirect Sale of Italian Real Estate Held by Non-Residents European Taxation, 2024, vol.64, no. 2/3
SCUDERI E., RIZZO A., LOUCAIDOU A. A Case for Environmental Taxation as a Response to the COVID-19 Economic Crisis in Tax Law in Times of Crisis and Recovery Dominic de Cogan, Alexis Brassey, Peter Harris (a cura di), Bloomsbury Publishing, chap. 13, 2023
RIZZO A. Intellectual Property and Tax Incentives: A comparative analysis of the EU and the US legal frameworks Virginia Tax Review, 2023, vol.43, no. 2, pp.291-329
GARBARINO C., RIZZO A. La prospettiva italiana sulla global minimum tax approvata dal Consiglio UE Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 2023, no. 2, pp.5-9
GARBARINO C., RIZZO A. Il Country-by-Country Reporting in ambito UE Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 2022, vol.8-9, pp.5-10
DAS P., RIZZO A. The OECD Global Minimum Tax Proposal under Pillar Two: Will It Achieve the Desired Policy Objective? Bulletin for International Taxation, 2022, vol.76, no. 1, pp.44-52