Amedeo Rizzo



Latest publications

Passi C., RIZZO A. The New Tax Treatment of Capital Gains Arising from the Indirect Sale of Italian Real Estate Held by Non-Residents European Taxation, 2024, vol.64, no. 2/3
SCUDERI E., RIZZO A., LOUCAIDOU A. A Case for Environmental Taxation as a Response to the COVID-19 Economic Crisis in Tax Law in Times of Crisis and Recovery Dominic de Cogan, Alexis Brassey, Peter Harris (Eds),Bloomsbury Publishing, chap. 13, 2023
RIZZO A. Intellectual Property and Tax Incentives: A comparative analysis of the EU and the US legal frameworks Virginia Tax Review, 2023, vol.43, no. 2, pp.291-329
GARBARINO C., RIZZO A. La prospettiva italiana sulla global minimum tax approvata dal Consiglio UE Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 2023, no. 2, pp.5-9
GARBARINO C., RIZZO A. Il Country-by-Country Reporting in ambito UE Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 2022, vol.8-9, pp.5-10
DAS P., RIZZO A. The OECD Global Minimum Tax Proposal under Pillar Two: Will It Achieve the Desired Policy Objective? Bulletin for International Taxation, 2022, vol.76, no. 1, pp.44-52