Nov 2022 18:30 - 20:30 | CET

Reunion MAFED

Format Face to face
Language ENGLISH
Location Milano

Via Sarfatti 10

We’re celebrating 21 years of MAFED!


Join us for a special reunion to recognise 21 years in Fashion, Experience, and Design Management, a unique opportunity for all students past and present to come together and celebrate this amazing achievement.

You’ll get the chance to visit our new campus, designed by archistars Sanaa’s Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, where you can mingle in Milano once again with our faculty, past-directors and peers.

Please note this event is only for MAFED Alumni. If you are interested in MAFED and want to learn more, you can join the event online here.

Event will start at 18:30 PM sharp, we kindly invite you to arrive earlier from 18:00 PM.


Keynote Speaker

Alessandro Valenti

President EMEA at Louis Vuitton


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