Jun 2023 18:30 - 19:30 | CEST

EMMS: Marketing & Sales leaders, 10 things the AI will never do for you

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

The event will be on SDA Bocconi platform

Artificial intelligence will not kill the Leaders. It will kill Leaders that do not use artificial intelligence.


Resisting the AI explosion, its democratization and therefore massive adoption, is futile. In fact, it is something very unintelligent, worth the redundancy.


We must use its enormous potential to become better humans to end up being better leaders.

It is not an easy task, but Lluís will take us on this interesting journey, through an exciting storytelling based on Star Wars, visiting the 10 keys to successfully surfing this revolution.


As a TOP10 speaker in motivation and leadership in the Spanish-speaking world, Lluís (http://www.lluissoldevila.com ) has given seminars and conferences in more than 250 companies in Europe, America, and Asia, and has impacted more than 20,000 professionals with his sessions. He held several managing positions at the Deutsche Bank Group worldwide for 15 years, ending up as Head of the New York office for its technological subsidiary.

Currently, he is CEO of Acktitude (www.acktitude.com), Professor of Digital Transformation at ESADE Business School, and Director of Management Programs at IEF. He is also the author of the books 'The 3 As in Success,' 'Morder el hielo,' and 'Digital Thinking.' He collaborates with various national and international media outlets.


This session will therefore represent a perfect occasion to better familiarize with the content of the Executive Master in Marketing and Sales, meeting one of its professors and getting an understanding of one of the topics of the modules. You will have the chance to ask your questions and interact with the EMMS team, in order find out if the program meets your goals and expectations.


We look forward to welcoming you to the SDA Bocconi world.

Keynote Speakers

Lluís Soldevila
EMMS Faculty, CEO of Acktitude, Professor of Digital Transformation at ESADE, International Speaker and Author
Marco Aurelio Sisti
EMMS Co-Director. SDA Bocconi
Ferran Blanch
EMMS Co-Director, ESADE
Valentina Mardegan
Recruiting and Admissions, SDA Bocconi
Paola Rodriguez Diez
Recruiting and Admissions, ESADE

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