EMiLUX ALUMNI SERIES | The story of Judit Eskudt


Judit was looking for a change that would boost her to the next level, opening up new opportunities for diversification and development. She found that and more with EMiLUX, and is now a Director of PR and Communications with the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts group.

What was your job position and company before and after EMiLUX?

In a nutshell, I changed from consulting to corporate. Before, I worked in private consulting for startups, responsible for their international PR strategy, marketing activities and international business development.

After graduating from SDA Bocconi, I joined Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts as Director of Public Relations and Communications. My responsibilities include directing and leading multi-channel PR projects, planning and management of all PR and communication functions and budgets.

Why did you choose EMiLUX? 

The world is changing so fast nowadays, which means professionals constantly need to adapt to changes and redefine themselves. EMiLUX is a unique combination of practical, real life business experience and world-class academics. The opportunity to meet with top executives of leading companies, through SDA Bocconi’s professional network, is what made me choose EMiLUX.

How was the EMiLUX experience? 

There are many things that make the EMiLUX experience special: the high tech campus, international modules, the perfectly curated curriculum, and most of all, the experience-focused education. With field tours around the world, visiting key players in the luxury industry, and opportunities to listen to business world visionaries, my EMiLUX year was the best investment.

During the program we experienced a great combination of modernity and tradition, innovation and history, including the ambidextrous approach. Personally, it widened my perspective - I learned a lot about how to bring structure into industries that thrive on creativity, art, and other intangible factors.

What advice will you give to someone who is deciding to take the EMiLUX?

EMiLUX opens up the doors into the luxury industry. It will help you blossom and to grow into the very best version of yourself. Embrace change, dare to think out of the box!

Can you describe EMiLUX in 3 words?

Eye-opening. Top-notch. Beautiful Challenge.

And one more. Probably the most important of all - Professor  Gabriella Lojacono, backbone of the program. She is a phenomenon.

SDA Bocconi School of Management


Judit Eskudt is Director of Public Relation and Communications
at Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

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