SDA Bocconi Full-Time MBA amongst top favourites by Recruiters


SDA Bocconi was placed 6th in Europe, rising one position in the Global Top 200 Business Schools 2013 rankings of QS TopMBA, positioning itself amongst the 13 "élite" European Business Schools.
The rankings of the best MBA programs are based solely on the evaluation of graduates by over 4,000 recruiters from around the world.

These recruiters, all with active experience of recruiting MBA graduates, were asked which Business Schools they preferred to recruit from and according to them SDA Bocconi’s graduates excel particularly in the areas of marketing (where SDA Bocconi was ranked 12th in the world and 5th in Europe), finance (15th in the world and 6th in Europe) and international management (16th in the world and 7th in Europe).

"This result makes us very happy because the rankings are based solely on the judgment of the recruiters and therefore reflects the very positive feedback that our program receives in the international labour market", said Bruno Busacca, Dean of SDA Bocconi.

"These rankings highlight the positive results obtained thanks to the efforts we have made in recent years to strengthen within the curriculum those elements most useful to improving the employability of our graduates", said Gianmario Verona, Director of the Full-Time MBA.

Developed by QS, an international network dedicated to education and professions that also compiles the World University Rankings, the rankings are published on the TopMBA portal.

This achievement continues the excellent series of results obtained by SDA Bocconi, which last month saw the school move to 3rd in the Forbes rankings of best international MBA programs (excluding the U.S. Business Schools) and 14th in Europe in the Economist’s rankings of the best MBA programs.

Source: Sarfatti25

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