Federico Pippo



Latest publications

DALLOCCHIO M., DI SUMMA G., PIPPO F., RIBOLI I., TETI E. ESG Investing: Conciliating Financial Performance and Sustainable Societal Development International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2024, vol.18, no. 3, pp.285-314
ANCONETANI R., DALLOCCHIO M., PIPPO F. Thriving amidst turbulence: unveiling the resilience of conglomerates in economic downturns Strategies in Accounting and Management, 2024, vol.4, no. 4
PIPPO F., TALAMINI A. Una nuova finanza responsabile in Manager del Futuro E. Baglieri (Eds),Egea, chap. 4, pp.63-75, 2022
PIPPO F., TALAMINI A. La creazione di valore tramite gli strumenti di debito sostenibile Economia & Management, 2022, no. 3, pp.72-76
Husse T., PIPPO F. Responsible Minus Irresponsible - a determinant of equity risk premia? Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 2021, pp.1-23
DOSSI A., PIPPO F. Strategie di valore e deducibilità dei costi per servizi infragruppo Economia & Management, 2021, no. 2, pp.88-93

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MCF Master in Corporate Finance
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  • 1 Oct 2025
  • English
  • Full-Time
  • 12 Months

MCF provides you with the knowl. and skills to master the techniques and tools of international finance mgmt and to drive innovation, whether you work for a company or an institution.


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