Executive Program in Hospital Management

In partnership con:


The Executive program in hospital management is targeted on multiple professional profiles wherein the common denominator is the search for competencies, skills and managerial tools to understand and personally manage, coordinate or head care healthcare provider institutions or departments, units, services, etc.


The  full executive program is made up of 5 modules of 2 days face-to-face training, plus workshop on-site and a final field project: at the end, SDA Bocconi School of Management provides a certificate of advanced training in hospital management.
Each module can be attended separately: attendance will be certified.


Organization and leadership: 2 days-module - October 2019
Performance management and budgeting: 2 days-module - December 2019
Clinical Management and operations: 2 days-module - January 2020
Quality, risk management and audit: 2 days-module - February 2020
Innovation and technologies: 2 days-module - March 2020


A certificate of attendance of the executive program in hospital management will be issued by SDA Bocconi School of Management.
The full program indeed is accredited by the Dubai Health Authority. 

To fulfill the program in hospital management an individual field work is required, which  will be defined and carried out togheter with one of the faculty professor.


Managerial and administrative staff aspiring to lead functional units of hospital or clinics.Ā 
Experienced healthcare managers aspiring to Ā«CĀ» level positions (Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officers).Ā Ā 
Clinical professionals working in secondary and tertiary care hospitals who wish to transition from clinical to administrative/managerial positions.

SDA Professor of Public Management and Policy at SDA Bocconi School of Management. She is Research Fellow at CERGAS Bocconi.

At SDA Bocconi, since 2014 she works in field of healthcare management, focusing on issues of population health management, clinical governance and international health system comparison. She teaches ā€œHealth system and policiesā€ at the Master of International Health Care Management, Economics and Policy (MIMEHP) and in MIMS. She conducted many research and training projects with national and international companies from the healthcare industry as well as with public institutions, at the national and regional level, local health authorities and hospitals, and medical associations



Vai al CV

Verdiana Morando

How to register

For registrations:


For further information about the program, please contact the program consultant:

Deepa Vejai
+971 4 5683368


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