Jan 2022 19:15 - 20:15 | CET

MAFED: a journey of 4 core steps - On Campus

Format Face to face
Language ENGLISH
Location Milano

Via Sarfatti, 10

Your opportunity to talk with the Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management (MAFED) Director, ask specific questions about our MAFED program, and benefit from an informative discussion to help you finalize your decision.

31 January, 19:15 - 20:15 (CET)

Keynote Speakers
Emanuela Prandelli, MAFED Director
Arianne Colacicco, MAFED 2017, Product Manager Woman's Bags at Fendi

Francesca Roveda, Recruiting & Admission Service

Further speakers may be confirmed closer to the event.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to the SDA Bocconi world.

In case you cannot attend the event in person, you may as well join the concurrent live webcast.


Francesca Roveda
Recruiting & Admissions Service

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