Jan 2023 18:30 - 19:30 | CET

Meet MAFED, a unique learning journey

Format Face to face
Language ENGLISH
Location Milano

Via Sarfatti 10

Your opportunity to learn more about the SDA Bocconi Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management (MAFED) and interact with the Director, the Recruiting & Admissions Team and other members of the MAFED Community.

You will be able to ask questions, get live answers via a chat platform and discover if MAFED fits your profile and interests.

25 January
, 18:30 - 19:30 (CET)

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to the SDA Bocconi world.

We are pleased to inform you that you may also attend the event Online.


Valentina Mardegan
Recruiting & Admission

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