Jul 2024 17:00 - 18:00 | CEST

MBA Supporting talent "Crack your GMAT"

Useful advice from students

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

SDA Bocconi platform

Preparing to submit your SDA MBA application? Have questions about the application process, supporting documents, or admissions criteria?
Join our exclusive workshop tailored to clarify these matters. This event is not just about the GMAT, but mastering the entire application journey.

Why Attend
  • Application Mastery: Navigate the SDA MBA application process with ease.
  • Direct Insights: Interact with our Recruiting team who can guide you through your application preparations.
  • Building Strong Applications: Gain insights to make your application shine.

Event Highlights
  • In-depth discussion of the application process.
  • Q&A session to address all your application-related concerns.


Enter the SDA Bocconi world with confidence. We're here to help you navigate the MBA application process.


We are pleased to inform you that you may also attend the event on Campus.

Keynote Speakers

Alessia D'Abramo Mather
MBA 49
Briano Castelli
MBA 49
Mario Adamo
Admissions Team
Priscilla Gatto
Recruiting & Admissions

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