Mar 2024 13:30 - 14:30 | CET

Changed by Women - A Feminine Take on MBA: Stories and Insights From Our Alumnae and Students

Format Online
Language ENGLISH
Location Online

Microsoft Teams

Don’t miss the chance to participate in a discussion on tomorrow's managers from a female perspective: an opportunity to engage directly with Alumnae sharing their successful experiences and with current students, to fully grasp the transformative power of the MBA for developing a successful career.

Keynote Speakers

Stefano Pogutz
go to cv
Sarah Beddini
MBA 39
Director of Brand & Account Management, Italiaonline
Andrea Brillembourg
MBA 42
Global Sustainability Manager, 100+ Accelerator
Alexandra Meyer
Current Student MBA 49
Strategy & Business Development, Deutsche Telekom
Kseniia Efimkina
Current Student MBA 49
Managing Director, Perfetto Traveler
Priscilla Gatto
Recruiting & Admissions

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