Rosanna Tarricone, the Associate Dea..." /> Rosanna Tarricone, the Associate Dea..."> Rosanna Tarricone, the Associate Dea...">

No barriers between Education and Research


Rosanna Tarricone, the Associate Dean of SDA Bocconi School of Management’s Government, Health and Not for Profit Division explains that a Business School must provide tailor made educational experiences, providing relevant education content in innovative ways.

There is one objective on which Rosanna Tarricone, new Associate Dean of SDA Bocconi School of Management’s Government, Health and Non-Profit Division, puts much emphasis: to eliminate the distinction between research and post-experience education. “The challenge we are facing is how to adopt an integrated approach to the various stages of knowledge creation. The first step is the formal integration of CERGAS, the Bocconi Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management. We do not want to limit ourselves to only offering executive education programs. We want to create knowledge integrated with basic and applied research”.

Research must create a solid, clear and measurable impact on management and decision processes in public administration, health and non-profit institutions. Tarricone stresses the importance of offering tailor-made educational experiences. “The challenge is to provide relevant education content in innovative ways in order to answer to, and to anticipate, market needs: workshops, study tours, policy panels, conferences, business cases”.

Director of CERGAS from 2012 to February 2017 and Associate Professor in Public Administration, Tarricone considered studying public administration after enrolling in Business Administration at Bocconi University. “I had the belief that working in a public administration meant to operate for the public interest”. During the thesis process, her interest turned into a passion for an entire research field. After obtaining an MSc in Health Services Management and a PhD in Public Health at the University of London, Tarricone returned to CERGAS where she built a team that studies the technological innovation in public and private healthcare systems.

Tarricone still has the same passion she had in 1992 when she crossed the CERGAS threshold as an intern. She says with some satisfaction that “fifteen years ago we were deemed crazy for talking about the evaluation of the effects of healthcare technology and now Health Technology Assessment is State law”. She says the most heated discussions on politics occur with her children aged 13 and 16: “They are my true passion, I try to devote all my time to them”. A passionate traveler, she has toured Africa, South America and the Middle East. “I am fascinated by knowledge in the broad sense and therefore I believe that any corner in the world has something to offer”.

Source: ViaSarfatti25

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