- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 20 sept 2024
- 1,5 days
- Online
- Italian
On 2 October 2017, the second edition of Master of Public Administration, MPA Program at SDA Bocconi School of Management started with 19 students representing ten different countries. A common goal that brings these bright people from various countries in Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia together is their commitment to contribute to the development of the global public sector. The MPA program provides managerial skill sets that are the core competencies of SDA Bocconi to foster innovation, create values and efficient measures to tackle global public sector challenges with innovative solutions. These managerial skills and knowledge are provided through the MPA’s innovative teaching methodologies, cutting-edge specializations and personalized coaching services.
The new MPAs started their journey last week with workshops on professional CV writing, inter-cultural communication, and most importantly, by networking with HR professionals gathered from various international organizations including the World Bank, UN, OECD and other organizations attending the AHRMIO Conference to foster engagement, innovation and networking among HR professionals, on their first day at SDA Bocconi.
The MPAs also had an opportunity to engage in an interesting conversation with Mr. Diego Piacentini, Commissioner for the Implementation of the Digital Agenda of the Italian Government, who was invited as a Guest Speaker at the official Opening Ceremony of the MPA. This was an exciting opportunity for the MPAs, as around 40% of the students are from the public sector, while 30% are from NGOs and the remaining 30% are from the private sector. The educational backgrounds of the MPAs are also in different fields such as public administration, international relations, finance, economics, business, science, medicine and law. These diverse backgrounds contribute to the dynamics of learning in class by bringing examples and experiences from different sectors and perspectives generating intriguing discussions and heated debates in and out of the classroom. Throughout the MPA journey, students will have many opportunities to network with professionals and entrepreneurs from various countries, guest lecturers and Alumni of Bocconi University, and there will be a study tour organized in Europe as part of the concentrations of the MPA program.      Â
SDA Bocconi wishes the new MPAs an amazing journey ahead to make a difference in society as professional and committed public sector professionals.
SDA Bocconi School of Management
Il corso PIAO e performance nella PA fornisce strumenti concettuali e operativi per applicare logiche di programmazione finalizzate e integrate.
L’obiettivo principale del corso è quello di dare gli strumenti di management al RUP partendo dai fondamentali di ambito tecnico, procedurale e giuridico.