Desire for Luxury: Experiences, Practices, Values



The Dossier of the third issue of Economia&Management in 2023 is dedicated to the luxury sector, the constantly growing economic dynamics and the characteristics of a supply chain that, more than others in Italy, has been able to innovate and distinguish itself from international competitors. That of "luxury" is a wide-ranging concept: it is certainly represented by a range of precious objects but, more and more frequently, it is connoted by a way of being and experiencing the world, a status, and a very unostentatious way of relating to everyday life. Luxury is a way to stand out, to assert one's uniqueness by manifesting, without "shouting," one's belonging to a particular brand.

Fabrizio Perretti's Editorial focuses on organizational well-being related to failure and emotions in the workplace – a topic as sensitive as it is, in many cases, abused. If disappointment over a missed goal is an integral part of human existence, the role of organizations is to rationalize the negative emotion without emphasizing or belittling it but without losing sight of the goal.

It is now undeniable that climate change is an emergency from which companies cannot escape. Michele Calcaterra's podcast illustrates how to measure the impact of the ecological transition on balance sheet metrics, and the Visual reading shows which companies are most directly affected by the transition, with associated risks and opportunities.

The new frontiers of digital worlds, on the other hand, is the focus of SDA Bocconi's DEVO Lab. Between emphatic demonizations of apocalyptic risks and strenuous defenses of the potential of technology, we often lose sight of the common thread of a transformation that is certainly epochal, which must be managed so that it is conducted within the tracks of a digital humanism but which is far from overwhelming the essence of the human being.




SDA Bocconi School of Management

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