EMiLUX ALUMNI SERIES | The story of Federica Brucchietti


Students and Alumni are the best testimonial of how EMiLUX helps students achieve their goals. So let’s hear from them! Federica Brucchietti realized that she could make more of her professional career through EMiLUX. After graduating, she went from HR consultant to HR Manager for ClioMakeUp, a pure-digital editorial leader in the beauty sector in Italy, reaching 5.2 million unique users every month*. Here’s her story…

How would you describe your previous job?

My previous job was providing HR services with focus on recruiting, competences and potential evaluation, and profiling. 

And what has changed now?

Now I am exclusively focused on the Company in which I am enrolled, and I manage all the areas included by the HR function: Organization, Culture & People Management. Just to give you an example of my work, I manage: the recruiting process, onboarding and induction, job descriptions, organization charts, employees contracts, payroll, trade union agreements, PMS, safety, Reward system, career development, organization health, employer benefit. My current job is intense and demanding, challenging and exciting.

Why did you choose EMiLUX?

I was confident that I was a good professional, but I felt the need to get a broader vision of how a company works and to learn how to manage a business in all its aspects. I chose EMIiLUX because I’m passionate about the luxury industry.

Why exactly did you make the change in that moment of your career?

After waiting a couple of years, I finally understood I deserved a change in my career and decided that investing in my education was the best way to go. I realized it was the right moment because I felt I needed to exploit my potential, that I could do much more than what I was doing in my professional life.

So how was your EMiLUX experience?

It was great. I learnt a lot both in terms of how much new knowledge I gained, and in terms of self-consciousness.

What changes do you see in yourself after the Master?

I know my value better.  I have more technical competences, especially in hard skills

What are the skills and competencies you learnt?

I have a greater vision of the whole business; I can evaluate a Company taking into consideration the relevant variables. I have learnt about strategy, financials, distribution models from an international point of view.

What advice will you give to someone who is deciding to take the EMiLUX?

Be open to learning, avoid thinking that you already know (even if you do), absorb every drop of new knowledge from the company visits, the guest speakers and from the professors.

Can you describe EMiLUX in 3 words?

Enlightening, engaging, outstanding.

If you could travel back in time, what would you say to the past you before EMiLUX?

The same thing that I said at the time: “enjoy and put fully commitment in this gorgeous opportunity. This is once in a lifetime”. Maybe I would add “feel confident”!

*Source: Google Analytics

SDA Bocconi School of Management

Authentic Beauty: between Body Positivity and Self Empowerment

"Authentic Beauty: between Body Positivity and Self Empowerment" on the occasion of the #BeautyWeek promoted by Cosmetica Italia - Associazione Nazionale Imprese Cosmetiche. The talk was created by ClioMakeUp team and Gabriella Lojacono, Emilux Director, attended as guest speaker.


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