Stefano Bonini



Latest publications

BONINI S., Shohfi T., Simaan M. Buy the dip? European Financial Management, 2024, vol.30, no. 4, pp.2033-2070
BONINI S., Vaidya M. Homophily and Merger Dynamics British Journal of Management, 2024, vol.35, no. 3, pp.1367-1391
BONINI S., Taatian A. Dual holding and bank risk Financial Review, 2023, vol.58, no. 4, pp.735-763
Bertoni F., BONINI S., CAPIZZI V., Colombo M. G., Manigart S. Digitization in the Market for Entrepreneurial Finance: Innovative Business Models and New Financing Channels Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2022, vol.46, no. 5, pp.1120-1135
BONINI S., CAPIZZI V., KERL A. Subjective Valuation and Target Price Accuracy Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, 2022, vol.10, no. 1, pp.1-31
BONINI S., Lagasio V. Board meetings dynamics and information diffusion Corporate Governance: An International Review, 2022, vol.30, no. 1, pp.96-119