- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 19 Sep 2024
- 4,5 days
- Class
- Italian
Emilia Paolino is a Lecturer in the Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies Knowledge Area at SDA Bocconi School of Management and her collaboration with SDA Bocconi began in 2011.
She is the Program Director of the Team Leadership Executive Open Market program. She is the Learning Coordinator of the SDA Bocconi GEMBA (Global Executive MBA) in partnership with Rotman School of Management (University of Toronto). She has directed and conducted several research and education projects for companies in the following industries: Banking & Finance, Telecommunications, Food and Pharma.
Her research and teaching activities focus on four main topics: 1) enhancing the differences within teams (both under pressure and in normal circumstances), 2) developing authentic self branding consistent with individual development, 3) change management and emotions management (both from individual and team perspectives) , 4) diversity management (focus on gender and age). She is the author of several book chapters and articles. Her works have been published in Harvard Business Review (Italian Edition) Economia & Management, The Case Centre and many others. At Università Bocconi, she is a professor in the Management and Technology Department and is responsible for the "Culture, Organizational Climate, Communication and Diversity" course for the Master in Organization and Human Resources Management (Master OP).
Emilia graduated from IULM University with a degree in Public Relations and Advertising and she obtained a McS in Training and Development of Human Resources from Bicocca University. She obtained the certification for the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (T&D Training on behalf of OPP).