HIT Radar I

“Digital Transformation” is one of the hottest topics in the management field today. Undoubtedly, digital technologies can challenge consolidated conceptions of business models and of market competition, as we are living a period of blurring lines among business contexts that were once clearly distinct and delineated. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most hyped concepts around. Digital transformation is systematically associated with the term “disruptive”, consultants and analysts insist strongly on the urgency for CIOs of grasping the value of emerging technology trends to remain competitive and many organizations rush towards technology solutions that would allow them to tackle the challenges associated with Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and IoT, together with many buzzwords of the moment. Now, as former executive, let me ask you: has the Board of your company clearly understood what the Internet of Things is? Has the C-suite of your company pondered the real value of Big Data for your business? What is the actual economic value of Cloud Computing for your organization? Surely companies and their economic value are more and more influenced by digital factors, yet most of the technology innovations are currently driven by the consumer market and their actual impact on how companies work is not yet fully understood at corporate level.

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