Exploiting Blockchain

A blockchain is a form of network-distributed ledger, whose users play an active role in keeping it constantly updated. The first concept of a blockchain was designed in 2008 and implemented in 2009 as the core protocol of the digital currency Bitcoin. This first blockchain was conceived with the purpose of allowing peer-to-peer transactions through Bitcoin, and it has since been a source of inspiration for thousands of different developers.


The term “blockchain2.0” is often used to refer to all the most recent applications of the blockchain infrastructure, whose potential uses go far beyond exchanging value without an intermediary. Its benefits might include advanced security, data transparency, digital intelligence, disintermediation and many others. Based on these benefits, several authors agree on the fact that blockchain could become a force anywhere trading occurs, trust is at a premium, and people need protection from identity theft. Such a potential pervasiveness is making blockchain one of the most promising […]


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