The research performed by the SDA Bocconi Performance Lab is based on seven pillars that guarantee complete sustainability through Observatories focused on specific topics and the monitoring of specific corporate performance measurements.

Performance measurement systems – how performance measurement systems and  their role influence the planning, monitoring, valuation and incentive processes

Performance disclosure – how to involve stakeholders in the current performance communication models

Deal value and company performance – focused on how corporate economic and financial performance evaluation models change over time - Private Equity

Observatory - OSSFIN

Measuring the  impact on industry and society – how performance measurement systems transform as the baseline cultural, economic and social context changes

Best practices performance – how to measure new business models: from best practices to the establishment of a ranking - Best Performance Award

Risk measurement and management – focus on regulatory principles: from auditing tools to fraud management systems and risk management - Auditing Observatory

Tax trends & policies – how changes in accounting and tax regulations impact corporate performance. OFC - Accounting and Tax Policy Observatory