Digital Strategies Roundtable

Digital Transformation + Five Years On

Oct, 2021

Milan, Italy- Hosted online by SDA Bocconi


Digital transformation has been a major corporate agenda topic for a few years now. Many companies have made progress on this agenda, but many are struggling to define what it really means for them, where it is most important, and how to execute it. In part it’s driven by technological capabilities that were not there before, but accessing these technologies are by no means the only factor in success. It’s also about data, how you manage and use it to drive insights, decisions and disruption. It’s about new ways of connecting to customers and delivering value, and perhaps creating platform ecosystems that change how your value chain functions. It’s about digital products, but maybe even more, about service innovation around and on top of these products. It’s about IoT and digitally-connected, monitored and steered operations. It’s also about new ways of working, of equipping and enabling a workforce, of enabling working from anywhere, yet together. The pandemic has accelerated various elements of these trends greatly, speeding up an already stressed system. Putting it all together requires a strategy that fits the company, is operationally executable, and engages the workforce and culture of the company.
This roundtable will focus mainly on where are we today, what’s working and what’s not. We will discuss where we are seeing real value, where not, and if/why some areas have greater success. We will discuss what experience has shown the real keys to success to be, and how to approach them.