Paola Dubini

Strategy and Operations


Latest publications

DUBINI P., MONTANARI F., CIRRINCIONE A. (Eds.) Management delle aziende culturali - II Ed. Egea, Milano, Italy, 2022
DUBINI P. Forza e fragilitĆ  della lettura Economia & Management, 2022, no. 1, pp.8-12
Bertoni A., DUBINI P., Monti A. Bringing Back in the Spatial Dimension in the Assessment of Cultural and Creative Industries and Its Relationship with a Cityā€™s Sustainability: The Case of Milan Sustainability, 2021, vol.13, no. 19, pp.10878
Bertoni A., DUBINI P., Monti A. Participatory Event Platforms in the Urban Context: The Importance of Stakeholdersā€™ Meaning of ā€œParticipationā€ in Cultural Initiatives for Sustainable Development Paola Demartini, Lucia Marchegiani, Michela Marchiori, Giovanni Schiuma (Eds),Springer International Publishing, pp.271-292, 2021
DUBINI P., MONTANARI F., CIRRINCIONE A. (Eds.) Management of cultural firms - II Ed. Bocconi University Press - BUP, Milano, Italy, 2020
DUBINI P., BERTONI A., FORTI L. Infrastruttura culturale metropolitana e sviluppo sostenibile a Milano in Costellazione Milano: Contributi di ricerca per unā€™esplorazione del campo urbano AA.VV. (Eds),Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, pp.93-114, 2020