Alessandro Iorio

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Latest publications

IORIO A. Brokers in Disguise: The Joint Effect of Actual Brokerage and Socially Perceived Brokerage on Network Advantage Administrative Science Quarterly, 2022
Aven B., Morse L., IORIO A. The valley of trust: The effect of relational strength on monitoring quality Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2021, vol.166, pp.179-193
TORTORIELLO M., SODA G., IORIO A. Harvesting Value from Brokerage: Individual Strategic Orientation, Structural Holes, and Performance Academy of Management Journal, 2018, vol.61, no. 3, pp.896-918
IORIO A., GƓMEZ-SOLƓRZANO M., SODA G. Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone? Need for Cognitive Closure, (in) Formal Structures, and Individual Performance Academy of Management 83rd Annual Meeting, 4-8 August, 2023, Boston, MA, United States of America
IORIO A., SODA G. Network Strategies Within Organizations: How Does Knowledge Similarity Breed Connection? Strategic Management Society 42nd Annual Conference, September 17-20, 2022, London, Great Britain
NETCHAEVA E., IORIO A., SODA G. At Face Value: The Effect of Facial Traits on Social Networks and Job Performance Evaluations 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - August 5-9, 2022, Seattle, WA, United States of America

Grants & Honors

Teaching Award - Undergraduate School - UniversitĆ  Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2022
Excellence in Research Award - UniversitĆ  Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2022